Thursday, June 16, 2005
Excellent example of leftist hypocracy. Excellent.
Best of...6/16/05:
"Who's Imposing What on Whom?
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 'Evangelical Protestant Republicans are far more likely than other groups to want courts to stay out of controversial social questions,' the Post reports:
Asked whether they trusted their state legislatures or state courts more to address the question of same-sex marriage, 69 percent of self-identified evangelical Protestant Republicans chose lawmakers. Nineteen percent backed the courts, and 11 percent said neither.
In contrast, a slim plurality of 45 percent [of all those polled] nationwide preferred that legislatures deal with same-sex marriage, 40 percent favored the courts, and 11 percent said neither.
Likewise on abortion, 66% of EPRs favored legislatures and 26% favored courts, while the entire sample split 44% to 44%. At one level these results seem obvious, given that the courts have been so hostile to the positions prevalent among EPRs.
Still, it's worth noting that evangelical Protestant Republicans have more trust in the democratic process than do Americans in general, and presumably far more than secular liberal Democrats. It is the SLDs, then, who are guilty of the charge they make against the EPRs--namely, trying to impose their views on others."
"Who's Imposing What on Whom?
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 'Evangelical Protestant Republicans are far more likely than other groups to want courts to stay out of controversial social questions,' the Post reports:
Asked whether they trusted their state legislatures or state courts more to address the question of same-sex marriage, 69 percent of self-identified evangelical Protestant Republicans chose lawmakers. Nineteen percent backed the courts, and 11 percent said neither.
In contrast, a slim plurality of 45 percent [of all those polled] nationwide preferred that legislatures deal with same-sex marriage, 40 percent favored the courts, and 11 percent said neither.
Likewise on abortion, 66% of EPRs favored legislatures and 26% favored courts, while the entire sample split 44% to 44%. At one level these results seem obvious, given that the courts have been so hostile to the positions prevalent among EPRs.
Still, it's worth noting that evangelical Protestant Republicans have more trust in the democratic process than do Americans in general, and presumably far more than secular liberal Democrats. It is the SLDs, then, who are guilty of the charge they make against the EPRs--namely, trying to impose their views on others."
Great: This could be the ticket to properly Americanizing our illegals
Defend America, Become American:
"The DREAM Act is a great idea, but I would go further and offer citizenship to anyone, anywhere on the planet, willing to serve a set term in the U.S. military. We could model a Freedom Legion after the French Foreign Legion. Or we could allow foreigners to join regular units after a period of English-language instruction, if necessary.
When I first made this suggestion, I got a lot of positive responses but also some scathing critiques. A retired Army sergeant in Houston wrote (expletives deleted): 'Are you out of your mind? The last thing we need in our military is a bunch of illegal immigrants serving in combat operations for a country to which they are not culturally bonded!' But there is no better way to build that bond than through military training and discipline. Drill sergeants have been forging cohesive units out of disparate elements since the days of the Roman legions. "
"The DREAM Act is a great idea, but I would go further and offer citizenship to anyone, anywhere on the planet, willing to serve a set term in the U.S. military. We could model a Freedom Legion after the French Foreign Legion. Or we could allow foreigners to join regular units after a period of English-language instruction, if necessary.
When I first made this suggestion, I got a lot of positive responses but also some scathing critiques. A retired Army sergeant in Houston wrote (expletives deleted): 'Are you out of your mind? The last thing we need in our military is a bunch of illegal immigrants serving in combat operations for a country to which they are not culturally bonded!' But there is no better way to build that bond than through military training and discipline. Drill sergeants have been forging cohesive units out of disparate elements since the days of the Roman legions. "
Ann Coulter: Losing their heads over Gitmo
"No cold meals, sleep deprivation or uncomfortable positions? Obviously, what we need to do is get the U.S. Army to serve drinks on commercial airlines and get the airlines to start supervising the detainees in Guantanamo. ":
Query: Is airline travel service fungible?
Query: Is airline travel service fungible?
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Wickard Fucking Filburn
Thomas Sowell: The high cost of nuances
I almost left law school and walked out into the desert to die after I read this case. I hate Wickard or Filburn and evry on of the SCOTUS fucks that joined the majority in that opinion. Now they apply it to weed!!!! UnFucking Believable!
I almost left law school and walked out into the desert to die after I read this case. I hate Wickard or Filburn and evry on of the SCOTUS fucks that joined the majority in that opinion. Now they apply it to weed!!!! UnFucking Believable!