
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today 5-4-05 

"A fetus is not a child. This story encapsulates how pro-abortion absolutism has warped American liberalism. Perhaps liberalism's greatest virtue is its professed concern for the most helpless and vulnerable members of society. But here we have the ACLU, the premier liberal organization, taking the position that we have to tolerate what amounts to (alleged) child abuse in the name of dehumanizing the 'fetus.':
Liberalism also claims to respect science. But what scientific basis can there be for the claim that 'a fetus is not a child'? It's a defensible distinction if the question is whether abortion is permissible early in pregnancy, but as a biological matter, at some point a 'fetus' becomes capable of surviving on his own and thus indistinguishable from a child by any criterion except location. "

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

More of the Same Theme: Lying to push an agenda delegitimizes it. 

David Limbaugh: A bankruptcy of values and ideas: "Democrats tell us the American people share their vision, yet many of their leaders won't be honest about who they are and what they believe. Please tell me how it's possible that Hillary Clinton could be the odds-on favorite among committed liberals if she truly believes in the center-to-right positions she's been mouthing lately? She doesn't, and her base knows it. It's a conspiratorial deceit of staggering proportions. The party is morally bankrupt, lacking the integrity to be square with the people about its core principles."

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