
Friday, February 06, 2004

Organized Labor: Lazy, Low-Grade Morons 

I'm listening to NPR and I just heard some clown complaining about the offshoring of manufacturing jobs, namely to India and South America. He's whining about this trend taking jobs away from American workers. Why don't these people get it? You don't have a property right in your job!!! Your employer employs you to provide a service. You work at his pleasure and if you've been lazy and shiftless, violent, and unwilling to take it upon yourself to gain a basic understanding of the market economy.......I just answered my own question. These idiots DO NOT understand the market. They think that the employer owes them their job, as, in the past, he has probably caved in due to the strong-arming tactics of the union.

Well, you unskilled thugs, now, someone will do your work better and cheaper than you and they won't bitch and strike constantly. Vote Union YES!!!! Sure thing, boneheads. That gave us the K car; remember that? How much mid-80's Detroit iron is still rolling on the roads? You messed it up bad, my brothers and sisters. Remember the story of the golden goose? The story was a metaphor. It wasn't a real goose, kids. It was the economy and, being the whiley rascal that it is, it morphed and left you behind. Sorry.

And finally, why do you clowns so slavishly drool over the Dems? Remember that Clinton signed NAFTA. Do you think that voting for the Dem, who will either ignore you post-vote or attempt to again kill the goose will really serve your purposes? Try and look beyond tomorrow and into next week. The old goose is dead, learn to care for this one. Your screw turning jobs are gone for good. I know it sucks, but your predecessors put the blacksmiths and the wheel-wrights out of business 100 years ago. Wouldn't it have been pathetic if they had whined about the good old days of the horse and buggy and tried to vote someone in who would have protected their caving and antiquated methods.

Sucks to be Europe. No wonder they love Kyoto. 

Global "Warming" to bring Ice Age to UK

So what's the deal? Is it warming, cooling or static? That's my favorite: GLOBAL STATIC.


I've been a hunting person since I was about six years old; never really attempted to trophy hunt yet I probably wouldn't have passed up an opportunity to take a magnificent Buck if the circumstances permitted. Being a hunter, it was only natural that the environment was something to be treasured and safeguarded. Logic dictated that if the natural habitat was violated, then there would be no venison in the fridge come December.

A bizzare turn of events now seems to have pitted environmentalists against hunters and other shephards nature. Somehow, it now seems to be accepted that killing animals for sport and meat harms the environment and that loggers want to eradicate every last tree. If I may be permitted to stereotype a bit, it is quite bothersome that a pasty-faced, starbucks swilling, inner-large metropolitan area liberal, who would very well be quite terrified alone in the "environment" somehow knows better what is good for nature than someone who gets closer to it than the shiny-clean pages of National Geographic.

Crime and Punishment 

Whatever happened to logic? It seems to me, that most of my adult life, I have witnessed an unending stream of of idiocy in the application of public policy; the latest of which is the United State's collective lack of effective criminal punishment.

Carlie Brucia's body was found last night. When a body is found, we all know that the previous inhabitant of said body in no longer with us. She was killed, presumably by one Joseph Smith (Might the name in general be something in the way of an attractor of malignancy and stupidity?). Published reports are that this guy has been arrested some 13 times over the past ten years and was on parole/probation for a number of offenses when he committed this crime against Carlie. Most shocking is the report that Smith's parole officer had just recently requested that judge Harry Rapkin find Smith in violation of his release agreements, which would have returned him to jail. Rapkin denied the request even though Smith was in violation of his parole. Why? I suspect that he "feels" for Smith and didn't want to subject him to the embarassment of having to own up to his malfeasance.

Why are we buying the idea that criminals can be rehabilitated and why should we care? Criminals are persons who have breached the public confidence and merit no pity. I couldn't care less whether they had a bad childhood or grew up in an impoverished neighborhood. The fact remains that these cretins are a threat to society as is evidenced by Carlie's death. The best policy would be to protect the citizens who do follow the laws and focus our resources on those who do contribute positively to the country, not on those who degrade the system. Cut them loose. Lock 'em away with bread and water, slight heat and cooling, no newspaper, TV, or books. Nothing. Naked in a windowless room and if they look suicidal, then chain 'em to the floor for the entirety of their sentence! That's punishment for a crime.

Why have we forgotten that punishment works? Remember getting spanked as a child? It wasn't cruel. It taught us that there are repercussions to bad behavior. The punishment disciplined us and rehabilitated our little selves. Now, with adult criminals, we expect that we can forego punishment and somehow reap the benefit of discipline and good behavior. It's a mindless and illogical policy bread of ignorance by persons who rest comfortably behind a veneer of compassion where in essence, the proponents of such a brainless policy, wreak havoc on the innocent.

Whither logic?

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