
Thursday, February 26, 2004

This is Shocking! 

Best Of::

'Six Children Charged With Battery on Bus'--headline, Associated Press, Feb. 25"


WFTV.com - News - Pastor Creates Furor With Sign Blaming Jews For Crucifixion

Colorado: Purple mountain majesties, fruited plains, antelope (i've seen them frolicking on said plains), poorly worded and conceived Constitutional Amendments, and of course, freaky antisemitism. What a state!

Religion is not scary. More often it is the people who feel obliged to practise it that give me pause but like everything else, there are exceptions.

Sprinting Towards Gommorah 

Purge at San Francisco State

Tatiana is an AMERICAN. What is occurring in this particular case is sickening and representative of the hypocritical intolerance and foolishness of the left. I hate to so generalize but it is time for the Dems and other lefties to wake up and see who it is that they have been speeping with.

Many so-called radical believe act is such a manner solely because they like to be "different." No matter that they all dress alike, speak alike, and spout the same tired populist drivel. What they do not realize is that the facist and totalitarian regimes and causes they support in their need to rebel are the same forces that will soon silence them once in control. Furthermore, our country is being dismantled from within and we conservatives have bought the notion that we are mean spiritied and unprogressive. Stemming from this notion is a loss of logical clarity which results our refusal to speak out against true facism. We are on dangerous ground.

Where is the Stubborn Ass of Yesteryear? 

Ann Coulter: AFL-CIO motto: Kick me again!:

"It's not particularly surprising that the party of trial lawyers, environmentalists and Hollywood actresses keeps voting against blue collar workers. What's strange is that the AFL-CIO keeps voting against blue-collar workers, too."

Perhaps the better question than the title of this post would be: Why do Blue Collars, College Students, and the Elderly still vote Democrat? No, I don't really care if you've always voted Dem.

Now that I think about it more, if you vote Dem because you either always have done so or because you actually believe their drivel, then my reasoning with you shan't help.


boortz.com: Nealz Nuze Today's Nuze:

"People need to get it through their thick skulls that Social Security is broke. There is no trust fund. The lockbox is empty. Current beneficiaries are paid off by later ones. In private business, this is called a Ponzi scheme, and they put people in jail for it. What is being perpetrated on the American people with Social Security is so fraudulent, it makes Enron look like a bike ride. "

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

NY TIMES BS Editorial 


"The court's logic is persuasive. It notes that marriage is both a social institution and a privileged legal status for things like child custody and survivor benefits. Denying gays the benefits of marriage deprives them of equal protection. The court rejected the state's arguments, including its chief one, that 'marriage's primary purpose is procreation.' Heterosexuals can marry, the court noted, even if they are unable to have children. The ban is simply about prejudice, the court concluded, much like state laws barring interracial marriage, which lasted until 1967, when the Supreme Court struck them down in Loving v. Virginia."

The author of the above states that the logic is persuasive. It's not persuasive in the least for anyone who has even the most elementary grasp of established Supreme Court jurisprudence. Homosexuality is not a suspect classification. The ONLY suspect classifications are: Race, National Origin,
Religion, and Alienage. What this means is that comparing the equal protection argument of homosexual marriage to the case of blacks marrying whites is either a complete disregard of the truth or an attempt to sway public opinion by lying. Being the NYTimes, I suspect a combination of the two.

When a state passes a law that treats similarly situated persons differently on the basis of a "suspect classification," the law will only be upheld if the law serves a compelling state interest and is absolutely necessary to effectuate that interest (i.e. there can be no other less restrictive means available than the law as written). Laws passed that treat persons differently on the basis of their homosexual proclivities are judged Constitutional if they are rationally related to a legitimate state interest. The reason for the passage of the law need not even be rational to be upheld if there is any conceivable legitimate reason that the court can concoct.

While I think that the Rational Basis test is thoroughly irrational, it is still the currently accepted law of the land. So, to equate the equal protection of homosexual marriage with that of interracial marriage is not only absurd, but also illustrative of the author's misapprehension of the law.

What is one to expect from the Times? All the news that's fit to print? Yeah, if extra-Constitutional, emotional ranting disguised as editorial copy suits the definition of fit.

We’re Not Losing the Culture Wars Anymore by Brian C. Anderson 

“Watching the U.N. in action makes you want to give Ritalin to a glacier.”

This article, published in City Journal's Autumn 2003 issue is a must read. The quote above is by none other than Dennis Miller, who by the way, is the funniest man on the plant. Period.

Gotta Love Sowell! 

Thomas Sowell: Random thoughts:

"Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole."


"To liberals, "compassion" means giving less productive people the fruits of the efforts of more productive people. But real compassion means enabling less productive people to become more productive themselves. That way, the poor have not only more material things but also more self-respect, as well as more respect from others, and the society as a whole has a higher standard of living and less internal strife."

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today 

Best Of::

"President Bush today endorsed a constitutional amendment reaffirming the traditional definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. In the most predictable post in blogosphere history, Andrew Sullivan responded with outrage:

This president has now made the Republican party an emblem of exclusion and division and intolerance. Gay people will now regard it as their enemy for generations--and rightly so.

Since when do gay people have generations?"

The generalized "Peter Principle" 

"Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status."

Catholic Church Says Defrocking Priests Will Not Protect Youth.  

Sprinting towards Gommorah.

The Vatican's outrageous claim that the defrocking of pedophile priests will not protect the young must be read in context with the same's long-standing refusal to report instances of abuse (as if there exists in the US some sort of carte blanche approval for the ecclesiastical court to operate its remedial magic). While a simple defrocking mightn't abate the abuse, simply reporting the pervert to the proper authorities would result in incarceration and it's hard to rape little boys when you're in jail. Why is the church so opposed to reporting the abuses of its parishioners by its own employees? Sick, sick, sick!

The Catholic Church is rotten. However, I mustn't expect logic from a religious group. It is sad but kind of fun to watch as it clings so desperately to what little it has remaining.

The 'Ole Bait and Switch: Damn Dems and Their Class Warfare  

Thomas Sowell: Big lie of the year

The real travesty with regard to the waging of class warfare is that the combatants are paper tigers; except for Paris Hilton and the sad, deranged homeless, neither exists

The New Reagan 

The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES speaking at the Republican Governor's Association reception in Washington yesterday:

"The other party's nomination battle is still playing out. The candidates are an interesting group, with diverse opinions. For tax cuts, and against them. For NAFTA, and against NAFTA. For the Patriot Act, and against the Patriot Act. In favor of liberating Iraq, and opposed to it. And that's just one Senator from Massachusetts."



"John Kerry is, in so many words, saying that nobody can question his votes on defense spending simply because he served in Vietnam. He imagines that his Vietnam service inoculates him against all criticism. Agree? Of course you do ... if you're an illogical, irrational Democrat. "

Monday, February 23, 2004

Google Search: "Whither logic" conservative logical 

I'm Googled!

GreenPeace Metaphor Alert 


"A vital first step is for all countries to sign and implement the Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty on climate change. The US, which produces 25 per cent of all CO2 emissions though it has less than 5 per cent of the world's population, refuses to sign up. The US must play ball with the rest of the world to ward off the deadly threat of global warming. And companies like Esso must stop sabotaging international action on climate change."

First of all, while the US may indeed spray 25% of the CO2 emmissions into the air while accounting for only 5% of the earth's population, our GDP is massive comparatively speaking. Second of all, this GreenPeace rant is more evidence that the lefties cannot maintain their arguements whilst submitting the facts for scrutiny. Thirdly, the overuse of metaphor indicates that the writer was most likely trained in a public school and thus was not effectively trained in reason and logical analysis. Good grief! Four stupid metaphors in four sentences. Pathetic.

Hate America Poetry Class: A Must Read! 

Hate America Poetry Class: A Must Read!

The mere existence of America gave us the courage to fight. Some people who just wanted to leave the Soviet Union paid with prison sentences just for declaring a desire to leave the paradise surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards shooting escapees in the back. The escapees didn’t want to take anything with them. They just dreamed of departing, even naked, with their children on their shoulders. They hijacked airplanes, invented air balloons which evaded radar, swam at night from the beaches of the Black Sea or jumped from the stage during concert tours as Baryshnikov and Makarova did. The Socialist empire didn’t want to lose its main property: its slaves. (Listen, you “poets,” dreaming about socialism!)

John Leo: Euphemisms 


"China's economic expansion under stern one-party rule gave rise to several euphemisms, including 'cloaked capitalism' and 'soft Leninism.' Why not 'totalitarian freedom'?"

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