
Wednesday, June 09, 2004

No offense to anyone "special." 

If, as some claim, we are really a family of nations, then France is the mildly-retarded younger sister that just needs to be taken care of, not paid attention to": "

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Previous Posting 

If you haven't read the previous posted link, now would be a good time to read Sullivan's musings on Regan and what he meant to the world in the 80's.

Carter's America 

"And when you looked toward Jimmy Carter's America, you saw a president apologizing for his own country, unable to do anything bold or imaginative abroad or at home, blind to the expansionism of the Soviets, and in television image after television image, giving an impression of gray, impotent complexity.":

Thank you President Reagan for everything!

Monday, June 07, 2004

Noonan's talkin' about Old Grand-Dad! 

"He thought that intellectuals, like the great liberal academics of the latter half of the 20th century, tended to tie themselves in great webs of complexity, webs they'd often spun themselves--great complicated things that they'd get stuck in, and finally get out of, only to go on and construct a new web for mankind to get caught in. The busy little spiders from Marx through Bloomsbury--some of whom, such as the Webbs, were truly the stupidest brilliant people who ever lived--through Harvard and Yale and the American left circa 1900-90.":

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