
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

JESUS Saves 

It's the truth and the good word. Imagine the ability to swim in the methane pools of neptune like a dolphin or seek the ends of time and dimension. That is your's for the taking. Just ask. Swimming in liquid methane: Amazing and that's only one planet in which to play.

And,......can you imagine the sounds that eminate from the chorus surrounding the supreme One. If you are on my prayer list: the signs should be unmistakable. Choose to ignore or accept. I waited 15 years and regret every moment however, in honesty, my regret is tinctured with the immediacy of the moments during which I was sinning.

Oh, and when you talk to GOD, do it out loud if appropriate, it seems to elicit a better response. I sin and can't seem to quit but am forgivien and always was.

For someone who is such a proof freak, my conversion has surely been apposite of what I would have assumed.

Sad and Funny 

Democrats, at least in theory, are more environmentally conscious than their hunting/fishing/hate nature Republican counterparts. Democrats, at least in theory prefer more government to less. Paper is made from killing trees: Fact. The US Government kills lots and lots of trees. I, for one, jsut a lowly bureaucrat have disposed of (i.e. thrown away) lots of trees today. I did it yesterday and the day before as well.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today 

"On Friday we noted that a score of Ohio University students and others had staged a 'die-in' to protest the liberation of Iraq. The Post, the student newspaper, carried a letter from Marc Fencil, a senior who is also a Marine currently stationed in Iraq, that is so excellent we reprint it in full:
It's a shame that I'm here in Iraq with the Marines right now and not back at Ohio University completing my senior year and joining in blissful ignorance with the enlightened, war-seasoned protesters who participated in the recent 'die-in' at College Gate. It would appear that all the action is back home, but why don't we make sure? That's right, this is an open invitation for you to cut your hair, take a shower, get in shape and come on over! If Michael Moore can shave and lose enough weight to fit into a pair of camouflage utilities, then he can come too!
Make sure you all say your goodbyes to your loved ones though, because you won't be seeing them for at least the next nine months. You need to get here quick because I don't want you to miss a thing. You missed last month's discovery of a basement full of suicide vests from the former regime (I'm sure Saddam's henchmen just wore them because they were trendy though). You weren't here for the opening of a brand new school we built either. You might also notice women exercising their new freedom of walking to the market unaccompanied by their husbands.

There is a man here, we just call him al-Zarqawi, but we think he'd be delighted to sit down and give you some advice on how you can further disrespect the victims of Sept. 11 and the 1,600 of America's bravest who have laid down their lives for a safer world. Of course he'll still call you 'infidel' but since you already agree that there is no real evil in the world, I see no reason for you to be afraid. Besides, didn't you say that radical Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?

I'm warning you though -it's not going to be all fun and games over here. You might have bad dreams for the next several nights after you zip up the body bag over a friend's disfigured face. I know you think that nothing, even a world free of terror for one's children, is worth dying for, but bear with me here. We're going to live in conditions you've never dreamt about. You should get here soon though, because the temperatures are going to be over 130 degrees very soon and we will be carrying full combat loads (we're still going to work though). When it's all over, I promise you can go back to your coffee houses and preach about social justice and peace while you continue to live outside of reality.

If you decide to decline my offer, then at least you should sleep well tonight knowing that men wearing black facemasks and carrying AK-47s yelling "Allahu Akbar" over here are proud of you and are forever indebted to you for advancing their cause of terror. While you ponder this, I'll get back to the real "die-in" over here. I don't mind.

What can we say but "Semper fi"?

SSRN-The Perfect Crime by Brian Kalt 

SSRN-The Perfect Crime by Brian Kalt

A Great read fof the Constitutional scholar and an exaqmple of the COngress failing to understand its guiding document (See McCain-Feingolg for a modern example of not only the Congress' lack of understanding the establishment clause but of the Supremes finding it constitutional.

Congress shall make n"NO" law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

NO LAW, not laws based upon the appearance of impropriety or on evolving international consensuses (the same countries who were burning Jews in ovens or acting in a complicit manner).

Dad Says: about the Lawless land Paper linked above:

The “Perfect Crime” is an interesting essay and potentially fascinating dilemma. Of course, you can probably guess my view. If a crime actually took place where people were murdered, I don’t think a little issue of a legal loophole should prevent the perpetrator from being hung, beheaded, shot and drawn and quartered simultaneously. I don’t think this would be considered as cruel and unusual punishment. That is my informed legal and liberal opinion.

I, on the other hand find that the legal loophole would be fun to litigate and rather than kill someone there, I would choose to engage in a victimless crime like growing psychadelic plants.

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