
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Just Brilliant 

Same FPM Article as above:: "Ironically, it is precisely because Churchill is paid by the taxpayers that 'free speech' is implicated at all. The Constitution has nothing to say about the private sector firing employees for their speech. That's why you don't see Bill Maher on ABC anymore. Other well-known people who have been punished by their employers for their 'free speech' include Al Campanis, Jimmy Breslin, Rush Limbaugh, Jimmy the Greek and Andy Rooney.
In fact, the Constitution says nothing about state governments firing employees for their speech: The First Amendment clearly says, 'Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech.' Firing Ward Churchill is a pseudo-problem caused by modern constitutional law, which willy-nilly applies the Bill of Rights to the states ? including the one amendment that clearly refers only to 'Congress.' (Liberals love to go around blustering ''no law' means 'no law'!' But apparently 'Congress' doesn't mean 'Congress.') "

Could not be said Better 

"Tenure was supposed to create an atmosphere of open debate and inquiry, but instead has created havens for talentless cowards who want to be insulated from life. Rather than fostering a climate of open inquiry, college campuses have become fascist colonies of anti-American hate speech, hypersensitivity, speech codes, banned words and prohibited scientific inquiry. ":

Could not be said Better 

"Tenure was supposed to create an atmosphere of open debate and inquiry, but instead has created havens for talentless cowards who want to be insulated from life. Rather than fostering a climate of open inquiry, college campuses have become fascist colonies of anti-American hate speech, hypersensitivity, speech codes, banned words and prohibited scientific inquiry. ":

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