
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today 

"If the U.N. wants to re-establish its authority, it ought to pass a Security Council resolution instructing Blix to shut his pie hole once and for all. ":

The Religion of Peace. 

Dennis Prager: Why no Christian suicide bombers? and other thoughts on Islamic terror:

"About 25 percent of Palestinians are Christian, yet if there are any Palestinian Christian suicide bombers, I am unaware of them. Now why is that? Don't Muslim and leftist apologists incessantly tell us that the reason for Palestinian terror is 'Israeli occupation and oppression'? Why, then, are there no Palestinian Christian terrorists? Are Christian Palestinians less occupied?"

sKerry: Politics over principles....Always. 

Manila Folder:

"Just as today Kerry is brave sailor/bold war protester; foe of Saddam/friend of Hans Blix; political underdog/entitled nominee; big government liberal/corporate tax-cutting conservative; rider of Harleys/marrier of Heinz; and, incidentally, still a real jerk"

Monday, April 05, 2004

The PC Make-Over of Passover 

The PC Make-Over of Passover:

Self-righteous practitioners of recreational liberal compassion......who might these persons be?

This says it all! 

Mike S. Adams: Why I joined the N.R.A.:

"Many of my colleagues who fail to muster compassion for unborn humans are staunch defenders of the local deer population."

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